Learn simple ways to meditate on God’s Word. The distance between the head and the heart, between knowing and inhabiting truth can be a long road. Learning to read Scripture with the heart rather than the head empowers us to receive revelation rather than simply learn information. Inspiration for Christian women to reflect on the Bible for going deeper with God.

Letting God’s Word seep into the depths of our heart and the nitty-gritty of our moments brings life and wholeness we long for.

God’s Word changes lives when it transforms our hearts and minds. Yet the distance between the head and the heart, between knowing and inhabiting truth can be a long road.

Learning to read Scripture with the heart rather than the head empowers us to receive revelation rather than simply learn information. The truth is many of us struggle to understand what biblical meditation is and how to do it effectively.

Why Should I Meditate on God’s Word?

Maybe you’ve asked yourself this question. There is a lot of confusion about what it means to meditate on the Bible. The Bible has much to say about the importance of meditating on the Word of God. One of my favorite passages is found in Moses’ instruction to Joshua: 

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will achieve success.–Joshua 1:8 NASB

From this instruction, we can see that meditating on Scripture is linked to obedience and blessing. Now this isn’t a mantra of prosperity gospel, but a solid truth about the benefit of following God’s Word with heart, mind, and soul. 

In the book Life With God, Richard Foster writes the following:

“The best guard against any handling of Scripture that leaves our souls untouched—and ourselves unchanged—is surrender to the cleansing, forming flow of the Holy Spirit. Simply this means opening our whole selves—mind, body, spirit; thoughts, behavior, will—to the open page before us. We seek far more than familiarity with the text alone; instead we are focusing our attention through and beyond the text to the God whose reality fills its depths” (p. 62).

Foster explains a compelling case for the importance of understanding how to engage with God’s Word through meditation. 

The Value of Holy Expectancy in Scriptural Meditation

Holy expectancy brings us to God with a heart ready to receive right in this very moment. For “there is a difference between simply being in the same room with others versus truly being present to them” (Richard Foster, Life With God, p.23).

Meditation teaches us to read with the heart being fully present with God. It is one simple way to let God’s Word seep into the fiber of our souls. As our thinking is transformed by God’s word, truth becomes life as we choose to live God’s way.

Through meditation we learn that the words Christ speaks to us “are full of the Spirit and life” (John 6:63).

Open bible on table and a burning candle illustrate post on how to meditate on God's Word.

Meditating on the Bible Is Not Hard

Truly, you don’t have to be a spiritual guru or and religious expert to dig deeper into God’s Word. How do we get hold of this idea of meditation? Will it involve convoluted body positions or ummm…. strange sounds?

[tweetthis] If you know how to worry, you know how to meditate on God’s Word.[/tweetthis] Many theological books have been written on the subject, but for today, let’s keep it simple.

Let’s stop for a moment and define the word meditate. It simply means to attend to, to practice, be diligent in, to ponder or imagine. Meditation is worship that ponders giving time for truth to penetrate. In the book Prayer, Timothy Keller defines meditation as simply “thinking in the presence of God.” Now that’s not too hard is it?

[tweetthis]Simple ways to Let God’s Word Seep Into Your Life[/tweetthis]


Burning candle provides light for Bible test to illustrate how meditating on the Bible gives light to our understanding.

I often think in pictures and illustrations, seeing the connections between the practical and the spiritual. Here are a few comparisons, tips, and images that will help you be intentional with meditating on God’s Word the easy way. Sounds good, right? Here we go. . .

Meditation is Like a Candle

Meditation lights the candle of our hearts. We make our hearts ready for the light of understanding to transform dark corners of unbelief, resistance, or confusion. The Holy Spirit creates light in every place we make ourselves available to receive. Holy fire brings clarity of inspiration, power to move and believe and grow and change.

Mediation is Like a Door

Meditation walks through the doorway to enter deeper into Christ. Meditation opens the door to understanding and obedience takes us all the way in. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20.)


Meditation is Like Rocking in a Chair

Meditation rocks in a chair by the fire. Sink into a verse like a comfortable chair and let the meaning of the words rock back and forth in the rhythm of holy listening. Prayerfully read the verse several times, emphasizing different words or phrases each time.

Rocking chairs on a porch illustrate a quote on how meditating on God's Word is like rocking in a comfortable chair.

Meditation is Like Following a Path

Meditation ponders truth like following a garden path, stepping over stones one by one. The path curves deeper into the delights of the garden. Meditating on the paths of truth, follow the Holy Spirit who leads the way to discovery and freedom.

Stone path in a garden illustrates quote on how meditating on the Bible is like a following a garden path to deeper discovery.

Meditation is like following a garden path

Meditation is Like a Scrapbook

Meditation treasures truth like a scrapbook stores cherished memories: take time to collect truths and experiences that God has worked in your life. Paste them in your heart or even in the pages of a book, set aside as special and significant, pictures of God’s truth and grace in your life.

Picture of a scrapbook page illustrates a quote on how Scripture meditation is like a scrapbook of favorite memories.

Meditation is Like a Sponge

Meditation soaks truth like a sponge, absorbing living water for the soul. Saturated and full, we are soaked through with God’s words. 

Natural sponge saturated with water is background for a quote comparing Bible meditation on truth with a sponge absorbing water.

Meditation is Like a Journal

Meditation writes truth on the tablet of our lives. Journal connections and observations. Pressing pen to page, ask questions and stop to think and listen. Journaling meditation stands on the watchtower, ready and waiting to see what God will say.

On open journal on a desk shows an example of a way to meditate on God's Word through writing and journaling.

As God’s presence soaks into our lives, holiness will move through the small things, the choices and responses we make in the moment. Added together, holy moments change lives and steer destinies in God’s direction. But it all comes down letting God’s Word seep into our soul as we learn to live present with God.

Which one of these ideas is most helpful to you? What helps you meditate on Scripture?

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Deepen Your Relationship with God


Words and images to simplify meditating on the Bible.

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I’m excited to share the message that God does mighty things through the little choices we make to love, surrender, trust, pray, embrace truth, have good attitudes, and more. In Holy in the Moment, we're keeping it real and keeping it holy one choice at a time.

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Open bible on table and a burning candle illustrate post on how to meditate on God's Word.
Burning candle provides light for Bible test to illustrate how meditating on the Bible gives light to our understanding.
Rocking chairs on a porch illustrate a quote on how meditating on God's Word is like rocking in a comfortable chair.
Stone path in a garden illustrates quote on how meditating on the Bible is like a following a garden path to deeper discovery.
Meditation is like following a garden path
Picture of a scrapbook page illustrates a quote on how Scripture meditation is like a scrapbook of favorite memories.
Natural sponge saturated with water is background for a quote comparing Bible meditation on truth with a sponge absorbing water.
On open journal on a desk shows an example of a way to meditate on God's Word through writing and journaling.
Words and images to simplify meditating on the Bible.
I’m excited to share the message that God does mighty things through the little choices we make to love, surrender, trust, pray, embrace truth, have good attitudes, and more. In Holy in the Moment, we're keeping it real and keeping it holy one choice at a time.
Author of Holy in the Moment: Simple Ways to Love God and Enjoy Your Life, Ginger Harrington is an award-winning blogger, speaker, and ministry leader of Planting Roots: Strength to Thrive in Military Life.