We’ve all said this familiar cliche’ too many times, “How time flies!” Right? I said it just this afternoon when thinking about how fast time has flown since my husband retired from the Marine Corps three years ago. Time for a fresh vision....
[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#blogredesign #freshfaith”]Come see what’s new at GingerHarrington.com. We’ve got a new look![/tweetthis] Words to encourage your heart, strengthen your soul, and ignite your faith. For the past six years,...
As a mom, I’ve honed the art of worrying about my kids. Twenty-three years of parenting and seven military moves have provided ample opportunity to raise my worry-skills to expert level. I’m not saying I’m proud of this–I’m simply...
Timely Interruptions – Is there such a thing? A guest post from Cynthia Thomas Interruptions are inevitable. I plan to sleep from 11 – 7; my baby doesn’t. I plan to get to the mall in 20 minutes; traffic does not. I plan to spend 30 minutes doing Bible study; oh...
Do you have spiritual ADD? Spiritual Attention Deficit Disorder? Distractions often keep us from focusing on God. Our minds wander. We wonder why our relationship with God feels distant. For so long, I thought time with God had to be a certain way with a specific time...
Why do we struggle to be bold when it comes to using our gifts? How many times have we taken a deep breath, fighting the urge to duck and cover, to hold back when it comes to using our gifts? At times, hesitant to even speak our mind or express an opinion? As if we...
So glad you're here. I help busy women—gals like you— build healthy habits for living well with biblical wisdom and practical steps to deepen your faith, increase your hope, and thrive in your purpose.