by Ginger Harrington | Jan 5, 2017 | Embrace Truth, Emotions, Faith, Spiritual Growth
Today I’m excited to share a guest post from my friend, Kelly Balarie of Purposeful Faith. This is launch week Kelly’s book Fear Fighting: Awakening Courage to Overcome Your Fears. I’ve been reading Kelly’s blog for several years,...
by Ginger Harrington | Dec 4, 2016 | Enjoy Life Blog Posts, Faith, Family, Love God, Ministry
I am waiting for my daughter to come home. It is the waiting that has counted days. It is the waiting that comes with letting go of children. This year, God has taught me how to find joy in the waiting. Last January, my girl, a winsome, huge-hearted girl...
by Ginger Harrington | Nov 17, 2016 | Love God
Ever felt overwhelmed and disorganized in praying for others? We have the “want-to” in praying for people in our communities, but regular focused prayer for the needs of others can be challenging. From time to time, I have been sharing new books...
by Ginger Harrington | Nov 13, 2016 | Embrace Truth, Enjoy Life Blog Posts, Love God, On Writing
We’ve all said this familiar cliche’ too many times, “How time flies!” Right? I said it just this afternoon when thinking about how fast time has flown since my husband retired from the Marine Corps three years ago. Time for a fresh vision....
by Ginger Harrington | Oct 26, 2016 | Embrace Truth, Enjoy Life Blog Posts, Love God
[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#blogredesign #freshfaith”]Come see what’s new at We’ve got a new look![/tweetthis] Words to encourage your heart, strengthen your soul, and ignite your faith. For the past six years,...
by Ginger Harrington | Sep 9, 2016 | Family, Military Life, Ministry
As a mom, I’ve honed the art of worrying about my kids. Twenty-three years of parenting and seven military moves have provided ample opportunity to raise my worry-skills to expert level. I’m not saying I’m proud of this–I’m simply...