by Ginger Harrington | Oct 15, 2014 | Embrace Truth, Emotions, Identity
Day 15: My Soul, be confident. When confidence fritters away, seeping through our fingers like a handful of sand, we question our worth. Facing failure, we wonder…will we ever get it together? We ache, feeling the stretch and pull of our need for adequacy, to...
by Ginger Harrington | Oct 11, 2014 | Embrace Truth, Love God, Worship
Soul Sabbath There is a gap the size of eternity can that exist between knowing what is true and believing what is true. The distance between hearing and entering is the doorway of faith. Just as God rested from His works on the seventh day, He invites us to...
by Ginger Harrington | Oct 10, 2014 | Embrace Truth, Love God
Trust in the Lord and do good. Psalm 37:3a Life at the sixth grade lunch table can be a hard place to be. To be labeled a Goody-two-shoes was a kiss of death to anyone who longed to be popular. Maybe we still carry these negative connotations of do-gooders. But...
by Ginger Harrington | Oct 9, 2014 | Embrace Truth, Identity
Faith or Flesh? This world prizes self-sufficiency and it feeds on achievement. As those who have committed our hearts to Christ, we can still feel the conflict between our bent for self-reliance and our desire to walk free in the Spirit. Sometimes this conflict rages...
by Ginger Harrington | Oct 9, 2014 | Embrace Truth, Identity
Bless the Lord, ambulance O my soul, And all that is within me, blessHis holy name. Bless the Lord, thumb O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from the pit, Who...
by Ginger Harrington | Oct 7, 2014 | Embrace Truth, Identity
Questions your soul needs to answer. There is something about this video that touches a tender spot tucked just under the surface of my soul. Out of sight, it’s easy to forget about that place until insecurity peeps around the corner. There is something...