by Ginger Harrington | Aug 15, 2017 | Embrace Truth, Identity
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free–maybe you’ve read these words in your Bible. Maybe you’ve heard them in a sermon. Read about them in a devotion. Today I’m chatting about how knowing Christ as our way, our truth, and our...
by Ginger Harrington | Jun 10, 2017 | Embrace Truth, Identity
Do you drive half the folks around you crazy as you push full-throttle to prove yourself? Ever been so focused on getting it all together that you lose an important part of yourself in the process? Maybe leave a trail of debris of brokenness behind your race to find...
by Ginger Harrington | May 24, 2017 | Embrace Truth, Identity
This get-it-all-together thing can drive you right off the cliff of crazy if you let it. Is it a once-and-for-all kind of thing, or do I have to somehow sustain this coveted image? Seriously, how long do I have to keep it up? These are things we need to know. . . !...
by Ginger Harrington | May 17, 2017 | Embrace Truth, Identity
This post has been featured at If I get it all together, how much is enough? How much together does it take? Really, how much is enough? It’s enough to make your head spin right off your neck. My friend sits on the front steps, holding the...
by Ginger Harrington | May 7, 2017 | Embrace Truth, Identity
Ever feel like your life is one big long project of self-improvement? How much time do we spend trying to get it all together and make it all better? A lot. Well, at least I do. If this isn’t a thing for you, you can encourage the rest of us. . . How much effort...
by Ginger Harrington | Mar 9, 2017 | Embrace Truth, Identity
Believe that you matter. You have value and worth. Don’t swallow the lies and rejection of others that can make you feel worthless. These words aren’t from God and they are not true (1 Corinthians 6:20, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Thessalonians 1:4) Agree with...