10 Bible Verses to Encourage Moms When They Need It Most
A collection of powerful Bible verses that have encouraged me in 28 years of being a mom. Print the free downloadable list to pray for and encourage the moms of all ages in your life. Give the gift of encouragement this Mother's Day. Being a mother takes commitment, hard work, and plenty of love. We often need words of encouragement in the parenting journey. As babies grow into adults the challenges our children face are bigger and the stakes are higher. We need encouragement to trust God with our children in the vital work of mothering.
Honored to Be a Military Wife This Memorial Day
Memorial Day is for honoring our fallen military members. From a military spouse on Memorial Day. As a military spouse the responsibility that comes with freedom has been a very real part of our lives with 24 years of service to our nation. In those years we have been blessed with live and work in the company of hero’s, both those who wear the uniform and those who support them. We have rejoiced at homecomings and celebrated promotions, and we have grieved friends we have lost. Today we remember the fallen with grateful hearts and a renewed commitment to uphold the great responsibility that comes with freedom.
Invited to Come to God with Confidence
What does it mean to come with confidence to God? The meaning of Hebrews 4:16 reveals God's invitation to trust and rely on him, especially in our failures, sins, and challenges. This verse shares the truth that God welcomes us with mercy, grace, and help as we come to him with our needs. As we cultivate the spiritual habits of prayer and trust, we develop a deeper relationship with God that is based on confidence in God rather than in ourselves.
Is Your Spirit Healthy? And Why Spiritual Health Makes a Difference.
Discover why it is important to attend to your spiritual health and happiness by investing in your relationship with God. Time spent listening to God through His Word is a key practice to develop a healthy spirit as well as a deeper sense of contentment in your life. Guest writer, Keon Lindsey, shares key messages from God's Word with four simple tips to nurture your spiritual health.
Come to Jesus with Child-Like Faith
We are invited to come close to Jesus with child-like faith. Jesus taught a powerful lesson on faith when He blessed the children. The simplicity, trust, and joy of children shows us practical ways to a deeper relationship with God. Consider how you can come to Jesus with the faith of a child. Faith like a child, simple and pure—this is a choice we all have every day.
5 Tips to Reset Healthy Habits for Spirit, Soul & Body
5 tips to reset healthy habits or cultivate new routines for your body, soul, and spirit. Introducing a fresh new website update to help you cultivate a deeper life for your best spiritual, mental, and physical health. I write about biblical wisdom and practical steps to deepen your faith, increase your hope, and build healthy habits for living well.
Top 10 Posts and Reader Favorites from Ginger Harrington
In this post you'll find Ginger Harrington's most popular content on biblical wisdom for a deeper life of faith and health. Use these practical and encouraging articles to inspire you to cultivate healthy habits and spiritual practices for your body, soul, and spirit. This is the best of the blog for 2023 from the award-winning author of Holy in the Moment.
10 Benefits of Reviewing What We Learn from God
Discover the benefits of reviewing what you learn from God in your Quiet Time, devotions, or Bible study. Are you ready to maximize spiritual growth and start fresh this year with this powerful learning and journaling tool? Whether you journal with words, Bible journal with art, or keep study notes, this tool will ignite spiritual growth.
25 Ways to Enjoy a More Meaningful Christmas
Part of the magic of Christmas is the joy of family traditions. Meaningful Christmas traditions create memories that connect families through the years. Each year we look forward to favorite activities and events that have become part of celebrating Christmas. Enjoy this list of 25 meaningful Christmas tradition ideas. Which one could become a new Christmas tradition in your family?