Summer is synonymous with freedom and fun, but amidst the BBQs, family reunions, and road trips, our spiritual routines can falter. How do we maintain a strong connection with God when our usual routines are disrupted by summer fun? Lean into the joys of summer with practical ideas and resources to connect with God despite busy days. Discover ten easy ideas to help you connect with God during your busy summer days. Don’t miss the list of related resources at the end of this post!


View of back of woman in sun hat and red dress looking at mountains illustrates article on ways to connect wtih God this summer.

Is it just me, or is this year zipping by at lightning speed?  When my children were younger, summer was a time to ease off  busy school schedules filled with homework, sports, and activities. It was all about playdates, sleeping late, and afternoons at the pool. Ahh….what fun!

Nowadays, I still start the season with that laid-back summer mentality, even though reality paints a different picture. Summer vacation often means a short trip rather than three months off from school. Every year, I’m surprised when my relaxing summer turns out to be just as busy as the rest of the year–just in a different way. Is it wishful thinking or am I a slow learner? Probably a bit of both. Even so, I  do love summer. How about you?

Whether your schedule is relaxed or bustling, maintaining a connection with God in summer can be challenging. At the end of the the season, we want to have great memories with family and friends, but we also want to grow spiritually and delight in God. In this post, you’ll find a variety of ideas to enjoy your relationship with God this summer.

10 Ways to Connect with God in a Busy Summer

Travel plans, kids at home, and hosting visitors often disrupts normal routines. When I have a house full of guests for a few days, my schedule shifts (ahem, meaning devotions often don’t happen…). During times of travel, our pace is very different, making my regular devotional time in the summer more challenging.

Are you ready to partner with God to nurture your spirit and enjoy your relationship with God this summer? Change up your quiet time routine with fresh ideas to get into God's Word, enjoying time with God, even if you're on the go. Share on X A summer quiet time doesn’t have to be long to be meaningful.

Instead of an all-or-nothing approach, consider these flexible ways to spend time with God during the different rhythm of summer days: (For your convenience, I’ve added a handy list of resources and links at the end of this post).


  1. Short Inspirational Content: On your busiest days, read a few Psalms or Proverbs. These short readings can spark rich reflection and prayer. Meditate on brief passages from New Testament letters like Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, or Colossians, which are packed with truths and instructions ideal for summer Scripture reading.
  2. Journaling Changes: Adapt your journaling habits for busy days. Try bullet-style journaling to quickly jot down thoughts, observations, or prayers. Start a “One Thing Journal” for the summer. Each day, write down a prayer, a verse, a reflective thought, or a quote. Keep it simple and brief, but take time to prayerfully meditate on that one thing. Use my free Grateful Moments journal to focus on one area of gratitude each day.
  3. Creative Devotions: Engage creatively with your devotions. Try Scripture art, Bible journaling with colored pens, stickers, or washi tape. Paint on a canvas or draw in a sketchbook while meditating on a verse. Coloring devotionals can also be a wonderful creative outlet. Check out links at the end of this post for ideas.
  4. Worship Music: Begin your quiet time with a worship song or listen to worship music during a prayer walk to change up the pace this summer. Here is a playlist of my favorite songs that help me worship and connect more deeply with God.   God and I have logged many miles enjoying these songs!
  5. Scripture Memorization: Memorize Scripture to engage with God on the go during summer travel. When at home, focus on learning a key verse. While traveling, review and reflect on what you’ve learned.
  6. Focused Bible Reading: Ask God to inspire you with a specific focus for your summer Bible reading. Consider themes such as the gift of joy, attributes of God, promises in Scripture, your identity in Christ, or prayers in the Bible. Choose a topical approach to make Bible study exciting and insightful during your busy summer (Be mindful to not take verses out of context).
  7. Team Up with a Friend: Select a book of the Bible or a devotional book and read along with a family member or friend. Plan discussions to share insights, favorite verses, or impactful quotes, which can lead to enriching conversations. These spiritual conversations can happen via text, phone, Facetime, or best of all, in person!
  8. Mobile Bible Apps: I’m not a fan of solely using Bible apps for spiritual growth. However, there are many good apps that can be a great option to connect with God during the summer or as an addition to your Bible reading. Explore quality Bible apps for an easy way to stay connected with God throughout the summer. I enjoy Lectio 365, which  offers short, focused sessions that include listening, reflection, commentary, and prayer in the format of Lectio Davina, also known as spiritual reading. Reimagining the Examen App has helped me learn to go deeper with God in prayer. It is based on the book by Father Mark E. Thibodeaux SJ and offers reflective questions to connect with God based on St. Ignatius’s 500-year-old prayer (affiliate link).
  9. Christian Book Challenge: Set a Christian book reading goal for the summer to inspire your faith. Aim for three main takeaways from each book to keep motivated. If you haven’t read Holy in the Moment: Simple Ways to Love God and Enjoy Your Life, add it to your summer reading list to help you cultivate a deeper relationship with God. This book is packed with practical ways to enjoy God, inviting him into every aspect of life. Learn more and get free discussion and journal guide for the book here.  Check out my favorite books to cultivate your relationship with God on the Resource Page of this website.
  10. Nature and Devotion: Nature has a unique way of refreshing our spirit and soul. Take your quiet time outdoors; whether it’s walking, hiking, or sightseeing, these activities can provide moments to connect with God and appreciate the beauty He has created.


Back of woman in sun hat and red dress looks at mountains illustrates article on summer quiet time ideas.

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How Will You Connect with God During Your Busy Summer?

Which one of these ideas to enjoy your relationship with God appeals to you? Which idea best fits with the pace of your summer days? Now is the perfect time to delight in God as he speaks to your heart, strengthens your faith, and refreshes your spirit this summer. Choose a few ideas from this list to explore creative ways to weave devotion and worship into your seasonal activities, ensuring  spiritual growth doesn’t take a vacation while you do.

Here is a curated list of resources related to this post.  *The links in this post contain affiliate links, which means I’m paid a small commission at no cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Books to Enjoy Connecting with God this Summer


View of back of woman in sun hat and red dress looking at mountains illustrates article on ways to connect wtih God this summer.

Here are a few book recommendations that are geared specifically for this article. Each of these are favorites that have truly impacted my relationship with God, fostering deeper faith and delight in him. The last is one I’m currently reading, but it is great so far.

Devotional Books to Connect with God this Summer

These are a few of my favorite devotional books related to this post. Each of these insightful books will inspire you to delight in God and connect with him more deeply-even on vacation! (Hint: Use a Kindle or other e-reader or install a kindle app on your phone or ipad for ease of travel.) 

Journaling Products to Connect with God this Summer

Here are a variety of products to explore if you want to add a creative element to your journaling.

Resources from my Deeper Life Collection

The following items from The Deeper Life Collection are currently free for subscribers to my newsletter. Each of these products are practical and short to focus on a specific topic. I hope you’ll enjoy these resources this summer!

My Worship Play List to Connect with God this Summer

Well, there you have it. All my best tips and recs to connect with God on a deep level, even if your summer is busy! Bookmark, share, and save this post for easy reference through a wonderful summer! Friend, here’s to a fabulous summer of fun, great memories, and enjoying your relationship with God.

Do you have a favorite way to change up your devotional time with God during the summer? Hit reply and share your thoughts, or comment on one of my related social media posts in the coming days. I’d LOVE to know what helps you enrich your faith during the summer!

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