Turn your challenges into hope with simple but powerful Christian daily habits. Marnie Swedberg shares her incredible journey of faith through hurricanes, personal losses, and triumphs. Tune in to learn how to build habits of hope, depend on Christ daily, and transform challenges into opportunities for growth.
Christian daily habits to fuel your faith are the secret to turning your hard moments into hope.
What if life’s hardest moments could be the very thing that strengthens your faith? Life is unpredictable. From small frustrations to devastating trials, we all experience moments that test our endurance. The question is: Where do we turn in those moments?
For global mentor, author, and speaker Marnie Swedberg, life’s storms—literal and figurative—have tested her faith time and time again. From surviving natural disasters to experiencing unexpected personal losses, she has learned the value of habits of hope—daily faith-filled practices that keep her anchored in Christ.
I had the privilege of sitting down with Marnie for a conversation about faith, resilience, and the practical habits that keep us grounded in hope. Her insights offer a powerful roadmap for anyone seeking to thrive spiritually, even in life’s toughest seasons.
Daily Spiritual Practices for Hopeful Living
1. Depend on Christ Completely
So often, we turn to God only after we’ve exhausted our own strength. But dependence on Christ is not meant to be a last resort—it’s meant to be our first response.
Marnie shared how she used to call other people first when she needed help or would react emotionally in difficult situations. Marnie shared how her sister’s home was destroyed, and her community was in shambles after a devastating hurricane last fall. “I felt the weight of it all. But in that moment, I called on Jesus—just whispered His name—and immediately felt peace settle over me.”
“True peace comes when Jesus is the first call, not the last,” Marnie says, “Jesus is my 911.”
Marnie explains, “It’s about retraining your mind. When something goes wrong, our instinct is often to panic, complain, or try to fix it ourselves. Instead, I’ve developed a habit of literally saying “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” out loud. It’s a simple, breath-prayer that refocuses my mind on who is in control. And you know what? He always shows up.”
What would change in your life if you depended on God first instead of trying to fix things on your own?
2. Start the Day Spiritually Full
We often wait until we feel empty or overwhelmed to turn to God. But the key to living with peace and spiritual strength is to start the day filled up.
“I like to think of it as living from a full cup. Imagine your life as a drinking cup. When people ‘sip’ from your life—your words, your actions, your attitude—what do they get?”
Marnie explains that when we’re spiritually depleted, we react with frustration, exhaustion, or negativity. But if we stay submerged in Christ—through prayer, scripture, and worship—what overflows from us is peace, love, and hope.
It’s about starting the day filled up, not waiting until we’re drained to seek God.
This is such a simple mindset shift. Instead of refueling after we’re empty, we stay connected to the source.
Marnie begins each morning with three essential practices:
✅ Praying the Lord’s Prayer in a personal way. (Matthew 6:9-13)
✅ Putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) as part of her morning routine.
✅ Expressing gratitude and surrender, asking God to guide her steps.
Rather than reacting to the day from depletion, start spiritually filled so that what flows out of you is life-giving.
“With God flowing through me, everything changes then. And when people ask about how do you get so much done? How do you have the energy to do that? I’m just a person too. mean, I just am a human. But when I step aside and don’t try to do everything myself and let God flow it through me, that changes the whole scenario,” Marnie elaborates. “It’s truly the abundant life that God’s talking about in the Bible is not waiting until you’re dry, not waiting until you’re all out of gas, not waiting until you’re empty to go refill, but to refill consistently. We would never have a habit of letting your car run out of gas wherever it ran out of gas. We wouldn’t even do that to our cars, but we do it to ourselves.”
3. End the Day with Prayer and Surrender
“I used to fall asleep worrying about everything that wasn’t done, but now I release it all to God.” — Marnie Swedberg
Just as starting the day with Christ is essential, so is ending the day in peace.
Before bed, Marnie spends a few moments in reflection:
- What did God teach me today?
- What do I need to surrender?
- Where did I see Him move?
One night, she found herself saying, “It’s all out of control!” But in that moment, God impressed on her heart:
“Out of whose control, sweetheart?”
That one sentence shifted her perspective. Because life is never out of God’s control—only ours.
4. Trust God in the Little Things
Faith grows one small act at a time. Instead of waiting for a big crisis, practice trusting God in the daily moments:
💡 Lost your keys? Pray before panicking.
💡 Running late? Trust that God orders your steps.
💡 Frustrated? Pause and whisper, “Jesus, I give this to You.”
What small challenge can you turn around with a simple act of faith?
5. View Hardships as Opportunities for Growth
In this episode, Marnie shares so many ways to overcome challenges with faith. Instead of seeing trials as obstacles, we can view them as opportunities to deepen our faith.
Marnie’s life has been filled with unexpected hardships, from losing her father suddenly to surviving multiple hurricanes. Yet she says, “God is always positioning us for something greater.”
Ask yourself:
✔️ How is God using this to refine me?
✔️ What is He teaching me through this challenge?
✔️ How can I use this difficulty to glorify Him?
The key is reframing struggles as spiritual growth opportunities.
6. Recognize and Release Negative Emotions
We often ignore or suppress emotions like anger, frustration, or grief. But instead of bottling up emotions, Marnie suggests bringing them to God first. Pour out your heart honestly to God, trusting Him with it all.
Steps to release negative emotions:
✅ Identify what you’re feeling. Are you angry, frustrated, or anxious?
✅ Confess it honestly to God. He invites you to bring every burden to Him. (1 Peter 5:7)
✅ Replace lies with truth. When toxic thoughts arise, counter them with scripture.
Example:🚫 Lie: “I am alone in this.”
✅ Truth: “God will never leave me.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)
7. Use a Catch Phrase to Focus on Faith
A fan of choosing a word or phrase for the year, Marnie shared how consistently focusing on a key concept has strengthened her faith over the years. This year, her phrase is a simple way to respond to challenges big and small: Thank, Praise, Worship
1️⃣ Thank – What has God already done?
2️⃣ Praise – Who is God, regardless of circumstances?
3️⃣ Worship – Surrender in awe of His sovereignty.
Give it a try and see how this simple process can strengthen your heart.
8. Pray Frequently Throughout the Day
In our interview, Marnie shared many powerful illustrations that can help us deepen understanding of spiritual concepts. One of my favorites involved dolphins. Like dolphins needing to surface for air, we must “breathe in” prayer throughout our day:
🌱 Quick prayers of gratitude
🌱 Silent moments of surrender
🌱 Whispered scripture-based affirmations
This habit keeps us spiritually grounded and connected to God.
Are you feeling drained or stressed right now? Come up for air with a quick prayer and breathe in the Holy Spirit.
9. Let God Order Your Steps
When I asked Marnie how she gets so much done each day, she shared her best habit for productivity. With a chuckle, Marnie shared that she is a personal assistant to the Most High God. Each morning she trusts Him to wake her up. Then she waits for her instructions for the day from God, trusting Him to help her carry them out.
- Begin your day by asking God to align your plans with His will.
- Avoid relying solely on rigid schedules—trust God to guide you moment by moment.
10. Reflect on God’s Character as a Father
If you struggle with trust, meditate on who God is:
✔️ A protector (Psalm 91:4)
✔️ A provider (Philippians 4:19)
✔️ A faithful Father (Romans 8:15)
God as Our Good Father: The Foundation of Trust
One of the most impactful parts of my conversation with Marnie was about God’s love as our Father. Many women struggle to trust God because of painful experiences with their earthly fathers—whether from abandonment, harshness, or absence. Marnie spoke powerfully to this, sharing how understanding God as the perfect Father transformed her faith.
“So many people have this perspective of God that when we make a mistake, when we fail—even if we do it on purpose—God turns His back on us,” she said.
But the truth? God never turns away from His children.
“When we turn our back on this good, good Father, He moves—positioning Himself in front of us again. He is always facing us, looking into our eyes, saying, ‘Come back, come back.’”
Marnie encourages women to reframe their view of God by thinking of the best version of a father—strong, loving, and always present. If you’ve never had that experience in real life, scripture reveals the truth of God’s character:
🔹 He protects us from harm. (Psalm 91:4)
🔹 He provides for every need. (Philippians 4:19)
🔹 He never abandons His children. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
And perhaps the most freeing truth? God has already forgiven you.
“Your sins are already all forgiven under the cross of Jesus Christ, under the blood of Christ,” Marnie reminded us. “There’s not one thing you have ever done, not one thing you could be doing right now, or not one thing you could do in your future that has not already been forgiven.”
If trusting God feels difficult, Marnie encourages us to start small:
✔️ Meditate on scriptures about God’s love
✔️ Listen to worship songs that reinforce His fatherly care
✔️ Pray honestly—bring your doubts and fears to Him
God is not waiting to decide whether to forgive or love you—He already has. His love is not based on performance but on the unchanging truth that you are His beloved daughter.
This is the foundation of trust—knowing that no matter what, God is a good Father who will never leave, forsake, or abandon you.
Practicing Simple Habits to Turn Your Challenges into Hope
Marnie’s life and ministry are proof that faith isn’t just for the easy days—it’s for the hardest moments of life. Whether it’s a devastating hurricane, sudden loss, or everyday frustrations, her commitment to these daily habits has strengthened her trust in God and resilience in trials.
She reminds us:
“We can’t wait until we’re in crisis mode to start depending on Jesus. Faith isn’t just for emergencies—it’s for every single moment. When we learn to live from a place of constant dependence, we will never feel empty, because we’re constantly refilling in His presence.”
💡 Your Challenge: Choose one habit from this list and start implementing it today. Whether it’s praying first thing in the morning, taking “prayer breaths” throughout the day, or speaking truth over your mind—start small and stay consistent.
And if you want to hear more wisdom and encouragement from Marnie, listen to the full podcast episode [here].
📚 Want to dive deeper? Check out Marnie’s books and virtual summits at Marnie.com for more insights on faith, resilience, and living a hope-filled life.
Let’s build habits of hope together! 🙌
Recent Episodes on Habits of Hope
24.How to Unlock More Hope Through the Forgiveness Habit
Forgiveness is one of the hardest but most freeing habits in the Christian life. In this episode of Habits of Hope, we explore why forgiveness is essential for healing, hope, and spiritual growth. Through personal stories, scriptural insights from Colossians 3:13, and practical applications, we address common misconceptions—such as forgiveness not requiring an apology—and how letting go of bitterness can transform your life.
25.How to Hear God’s Voice: Simple Habits to Deepen Faith and Restore Hope *{Popular Episode}
Hearing God’s voice can feel difficult in the middle of life’s distractions. Using Habakkuk 2:1-2 as our guide, we’ll explore spiritual disciplines like journaling, scripture meditation, and creating space for God to speak.
26.Are You Willing to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone for Growth?
Explore practical steps to deepen your trust in God, find joy in discomfort, and grow spiritually through trials that require you to step out of your comfort zone.
Build More Christian Daily Habits in Your Life
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