Holiness moves through the small things, grace for the moments, simple and short. Added together, holy moments change lives and steer destinies in God’s direction. But it all comes down to attitudes and choices made…one moment at a time. If we reach for the grace of holiness in this moment, what difference could it make? (from previous post).
The opportunity of a moment.
Days are made up of hours; hours are made up of moments. Change the moment; change the hours that create our days. In the moment, change the attitude and trust God to transform the heart. Grace to live well in little choices is the blessing I crave. Added together, holy moments change lives from the inside out.
But how?
How do we choose the simplicity of resting in faith…right now?
Our best moments.
Heart, mind, soul, and strength—these are the gifts in our hands for loving both God and others. God and Truth and Spirit, God comes alongside and we are no longer alone in the struggle. Life with God opens the door of possibility as we learn to embrace the togetherness available in every moment.
I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
–John 14:16
I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.
–John 15:5
This is the simplicity of doing the one thing, the best thing, that God asks of us. This is His way for the whole and the holy. For doesn’t the secret of living whole in this life have everything to do with discovering the joy and freedom of God’s grace filling up all our moments? We are learning the practical art of abiding.
Forgiven, accepted, re-made with love, we are learning to live large and free. All comes down to the life we live each moment. Trust or fear? Shame or forgiveness, strife or peace, what will we choose?
How many moments have we made difficult through giving into selfishness, frustration, or fear? How many times have we complicated life trying to control outcomes and hoard that which cannot be kept?
One simple thing.
What is one simple thing we need to do?
- To learn?
- To give away?
- To let go of?
- To hold on to?
With this in mind, the daily steps that walk through the week, let’s focus on the small things.
The simple things.
The moment things.
What simple thing can you do to remember that God is in this moment with you? What moment could have been different if you had remembered that God is in it with you?
Join me for a new series. If you missed the first post, you can find it here.
Leave a comment and let’s encourage one another in the simplicity of this With-God life of wholeness.
Hi Ginger! You have such a beautiful blessing of a blog here : ) Thanks for sharing your beauty with the world!
Thanks for visiting today, Sybil. Loved your recent post. Come back soon and have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for this clear lesson. I love to read it. I am learning … but sometimes I am tired. Because I am so imperfect in making good choises. So … you blog give me rest 🙂
Blessings are you keep making the best choices. Be encouraged that Christ is helping us! That gives me rest.
This is a beautiful, thought provoking post, Ginger. So much so that I’m printing it right now to use during my quiet time. A favorite line: “Life with God opens the door of possibility as we learn to embrace the togetherness available in every moment.” Have a blessed weekend, my friend!
I hope your time with God is rich, and I am so very honored that this has been an inspiration. To God be the glory, that He involves us in the process of sharing insights and encouraging one another!
Breathtaking. “This is the simplicity of doing the one thing, the best thing, that God asks of us. This is His way for the whole and the holy.”
thank you. Passing it on!
Thanks for passing this on, Andy! I appreciate your encouragement. Be blessed as you walk out God’s wholeness in you!
“Added together, holy moments change lives from the inside out.” Such a beautifully written post. Each moment matters. Good stuff. ~visiting today from The Weekend Brew
I love the phrase you used, “Each moment matters.” You are so right. Thanks for visiting today. May God surround you with goodness today.
Looking back and remembering where I’ve seen Him in my life and all that He has brought me through helps me remember that He is still with me now in this moment and this struggle.
Ginger, thanks for visiting my blog today and for your comments. God bless!
Reminding ourselves of what God has done for us does help us to make the most of even the hard moments. Thank you for sharing this practical insight. Blessings today!
I’ve gown tired and weary in this current season. One thing I could do is stop and remember His promises for they are fuel to get me through to the other side. Thanks for sharing your beautiful words Ginger!
Sending strengthening prayers your way. When the road is long and discouraging, weariness builds. Praying God will give you encouragement that will keep you moving forward. Yes, His promises are fuel for our hearts, especially on the hard days!
This post is SO much about my One Word for the year: “Now.” It’s all about learning to abide in God’s presence in THIS moment, the only one we have. Thanks for sharing this, Ginger. Perfect for me.
Yay! I love getting a glimpse of how God speaks in such a variety of ways. One of those is through the body and when a word of encouragement hits home, He is weaving a thread of truth in our lives.
What a lovely post! And such truth…it reminds me of the dear little book by Brother Lawrence called The Practice of the Presence of God. He speaks of being constantly and consciously aware of God’s presence in even the most mundane tasks. I appreciate your emphasis on stewarding each moment well! Each one is truly a gift. Thanks for linking up with us at Grace & Truth!
I’ve enjoyed the community at Grace and Truth. Thanks so much for visiting today!
I love this question: How many times have we complicated life trying to control outcomes and hoard that which cannot be kept? I also love the call to action at the end of your post!!! Fabulous words to consider as I go about this day – the day that the Lord has given me!!!
I love that about you–you never forget that each day is a gift to make the most of. Thanks for sharing what hit home for you in this post. Blessings my friend.