by Ginger Harrington | Jul 11, 2014 | Emotions, Enjoy Life Blog Posts, Family, Military Life, Relationships
To be known, loved, and accepted is a deep need of every heart. Belong is a word that pulls up powerful emotions from the well down deep in our hearts. Belong has a space all its own in the real-estate of our hearts, one that is often sanded down with the grit of...
by Ginger Harrington | Jun 13, 2013 | Emotions, Humorous and Fun, Military Life
If you’re in the military, moving is a given. A fact of life. And actually, it is a really good part of military life….most of the time. The Ornery Moving Hormone Long ago, when all the other military wives were receiving their gear, I must have been late that...
by Ginger Harrington | Jun 9, 2013 | Emotions, On Writing
This week’s focus is on moving and transitions. Each year, I try to hit this topic as so many of the awesome readers of Ginger’s Corner are military folks. Military or not, sometimes we have to move, whether it is new schools, new addresses, new jobs, or...
by Ginger Harrington | Feb 7, 2013 | Enjoy Life Blog Posts, Family, Humorous and Fun
Thanks for joining us for the second part of Bonnie’s Guest Post! by Bonnie Brunt Have you ever noticed that sometimes God does not agree with our plans? We thought life was crazy enough with twin boys. But, God said, He would decide. When my precious little...
by Ginger Harrington | May 9, 2012 | Faith, Listening to God, Love God
We have all been in situations in which things do not look like they are adding up to an answer we are going to like. For instance, when your child discovers a personality conflict with a teacher at the beginning of the year, one plus one does not look like it is...