Summer calls and I am longing to slow down. I yearn for a change of pace, ready to draw close to God and recharge from the busy pace of the past year. I am ready to enjoy God, listen with my life, and be transformed by His presence.
Do you long to live a balance of seeking God without getting stuck in a legalistic, earn-it mentality? This summer, let’s find that delicate delight of thirsting for God’s presence rather than working for His approval. It is that invisible place of acceptance where we simply desire to know God with a heart ready to receive and willing to worship.
Let creation open your spirit to God.
I walk along the beach, toes in the sand and surf pounding in my ears. Sunlight sparkles on water, turning the world into a glittery place of light. Beauty surrounds me and peace recharges my soul.
Earthly beauty is a reflection, a tiny taste of God’s glory. We see and hear in tangible ways through what He has created. It is an experiential seeing and listening, and our heart worships as we soak in the wonder of God. It helps us look beyond the hurry-scurry tasks of today, past the problems that often plague us.
We experience more of God through what He has made. We are blessed. Refreshed. We have before our appreciating eyes, testimony—evidence—of the creative power and infinite variety of God. Built within our hearts is this capacity to recognize God’s existence in the majesty of what He has created.
The beauty of nature is the revelation of God.
“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”–Romans 1:20
Appreciating God’s creation nourishes faith.
Like food for the body, natural splendor feeds the soul with the majesty of God. Peace fills and our hearts rest.
Our generous, gift-giving God has love-crafted us with five senses with which we can enjoy beauty, drink it in through hearts hungry for more of God. It’s time to kindle our gifts and recharge our fire.
Get outside.
Take delight in God’s beauty revealed all around you.
Breathe deep, letting delight spark deep appreciation for the beauty of God.
Let all things beautiful open the eyes of your soul to God’s goodness…and refresh your soul. <Tweet.
What are you doing this summer to refresh your soul?
<Tweet Are you ready for a change of pace, to draw close to God and recharge this summer?

I so agree, Ginger. Getting outdoors so refreshes my soul. My favorite thing to do right now it to go for long bike rides. I stop along the way to take in His beauty. Blessings. xoxo
I love your biking photos! Thanks so much for stopping by!