A few weeks ago, my husband and I had the privilege to travel to Israel with a group from our church. The trip was a gift and celebration of my man’s upcoming retirement from the Marine Corps. I can’t think of anything he would have enjoyed more. This trip marked the beginning of a major life transition from 24 years of active duty service to our nation.
As it is Easter weekend, I want to share a few photos from our trip that pertain to Holy Week. It was a joy to take pictures as an act of worship that I will enjoy sharing. Today we will take a quick visit to the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane.
Gethsemane was a place that Jesus often visited with His disciples. It was here that He agonized in prayer the night He was betrayed by Judas.
Money to be made.

Rooftops in Jerusalem

Golgotha–the place of the skull
This location is thought to be the sight of the crucifixion, based on its high visibility to major highways and location near a private tomb.
What beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing them and directing us toward Easter with them. I can see why you enjoyed your trip so much from an artistic perspective.