A warm welcome to my new friends visiting from The Stay-At-Home-Mom Survival Guide, where I have the honor of posting today!
Arthur Rubinstein writes, “I have adopted the technique of living life from miracle to miracle.”
From family vacations to quiet mornings on the porch, I am grateful for the miracle of moments with family and friends.
Summer days have slipped by all too quickly. My kids are all back to school and the house is quiet. I’m thankful for God’s goodness that has shown up in so many ways.
One of the most precious parts of this summer was having our Scottish friend visit for a month of great times. The miracle of friends that become family and hearts that become new. We praise God for salvation and life.
The simple joy of laughing girls splashing in water is a miracle of ordinary goodness.
“Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.”–Ruth Ann Schabacker
Coming and going, it is sweet to be together. These days, time together is a rare and extraordinary grace.
Though our son was gone for the summer, it was fabulous to know he was living life full with joy and heart. Here he is pictured with a few other counselors from the special needs camp he worked at.
I simply can’t get enough of the beach. Glory displayed in the miracle of creation–water, earth, and sky.
love it. love it. love it. Soak up the moment and live.
Sand on my toes, I dip into joy. Whether walking the beach or the streets of my neighborhood, I find wonder in the small things.
Summer walks around the neighborhood are vibrant with the color of summer. And though life has questions and uncertainties, appreciating God’s world reminds me His is faithful.
The grace of a butterfly and the wonder of flowers reminds me God is here. Surgery and seeking employment are things we trust into God’s hands. Life isn’t perfect, but it is filled with miracles large and small.
Visits with family and friends create memories and bring miracles of joy.
Love the people God showers your life with. Invest in the lives of the young ones, and you will reap great dividends.
Smile brightly and love deeply–these miracles are for every day.
Nothing says summer like family on the front porch.
Celebrate life and love. The miracle of daughters and birthdays warms my heart.
Cherish your furry friends. They are faithful friends. And truly, the waggy tail of a dog speaks joy without words.
Simple summer suppers teaching my daughter to cook. Joy in the daily things that we cherish when college days keep them gone too long.
The silly antics of cousin love. Nothing says miracle like the energy of boys that love with whole hearts. Let yourself believe that miracles still happen.
The profound blessing of generations gathering in family reunions. The miracle of family and God working through generations extends far beyond we will ever know. Share your life and give your heart.
Moments shared by uncles and cousins, grandparents and grandchildren are precious.
Summer is ripe with God’s goodness and I am grateful. As summer slips into fall, the weather will turn cool and the leaves will crackle underfoot. Joy is coming as we learn the grace of living from one miracle to another.
What miracles of life are you grateful for today?

Your blog with cheerful pictures makes me so happy. The joy splash off! Thank you so much for the joy you give me by sharing these pictures and tekst. (And thank you for your comment on my blog – Sorry when you wasn’t it )
I enjoyed visiting your blog. I had never used Google translate before–so cool! Blessings and thanks for visiting!
I’m your neighbor at the weekend brew. What amazing photos and summer memories shared here! Since I’m a beach loving girl, those two beach photos are beautiful to me!
Thanks for visiting. Look forward to to popping by your corner of the web. Yes, we beachy gals got to stick together!
Love the photos. We had a good summer too. Our adults kids and grands even were able to join us for a week! I think I need to round up the pictures. Next summer Meg already informed me it must be the beach.
As our kids get older and we appreciate the time together in a different way. With lives of their own, the days we spend together are treasures. Thanks for visiting today.
Beautiful pictures Ginger… that remind me our awesome creator! You are blessed with joy and surrounded with the love of family. What a display of God at work in a family filled with his love! Stopping by from Saturday Soiree.
Thanks for stopping by. I love reminders of God’s goodness. Blessings.
The grace of living from one miracle to another. Great pictures and memories!
Love it!
I loved that quote. It is so easy to take things for granted or to get focused on the hard things. I wanted a tangible praise to the sweetness and grace that God has blessed us with, in the midst of the messy and the hard. Thanks so much for visiting today!