Happy summer, friends! Life in this corner of the world has been a little of crazy and a lot of wonderful lately. We’ve just returned from our annual beach trip. Toes in the sand and sun warm on skin–ah yes, this is a great way to enjoy the summer.
Here we are with our crew this year. We love having my sister join us. We’re missing a son and adding an extra daughter–that’s the way family vacations roll with teenagers and young adults. Not sure when we’ll have another trip with the entire family…
My daughter and I drove home a couple of days early. We had some packing to do, getting her ready to leave for six months in Australia with WYAM.[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz0EesM-G04″]
Packing for six months, two seasons, and extensive camping is a challenge–particularly to fit in one backpack. We added and took away, packed and repacked, stuffed and crammed…and in the end, just guessed and trusted God to help her bring what she needs. I got her off to the airport and she’s getting settled on the other side of the world. Would you join me in praying that God will use this time for His purposes in her life?
Now that we’re home, I’m giving my house some desperately needed attention. Cleaning, organizing, de-cluttering…I’m on a mission to restore some balance and order to my home. For me, finding time and motivation to work on home projects doesn’t come easily. Let’s just say it’s not my favorite thing. However, when piles grow in the hallway because the closets are full, I reach the tipping point. Procrastination and avoidance gives way to determination to restore order and harmony.
Part of creating balance in life is knowing when to work hard and when to step back in a particular area. For too long, I have ignored household tasks in a season of heavy writing and travel. For the moment, writing stands aside as summer travel, family plans, and home maintenance bring a needed change of pace.
I could feel guilty about this…but I’m not. (Yes! Good for me!) Blogging experts would condemn me for inconsistency, ranting that I’ll loose my audience. I hope we have gotten to be better friends than that.
[tweetthis]We all need to follow God’s lead in the rhythm and pace of life.[/tweetthis]
Time spent with family is invaluable. When the moment is gone, it cannot be gotten back again.
God nudges us in the direction we need to spend our time. For instance, time spent helping my girl shop and pack was filled with sweet moments and conversation. Certainly, she is old enough to pack by herself, but helping her enabled me to share her experience in a special way. Her excitement lit up her eyes and bounced in her steps. I’m thankful I didn’t miss time with her because I needed to get things done.
This summer, trust God to lead you in how you spend your time. Refresh your spiritual routine. Cherish moments with family and friends, build memories, make time for delight, and let yourself play. [tweetthis]Rediscover the richness of life that feeds your soul.[/tweetthis]

We are so much better friends than that! Happy to come visit you no matter the distance between posts. Mine tend to be far between too because of, well, LIFE!
Prayers for your daughter.
So glad you had some family time.
Much love to you.
Hope you’re having a great summer, Beth! Thanks for your prayers for my girl. So exciting to see God work in the lives of our children.
Talk about God’s timing! Right now I’m in a heavy season of writing (blessing) and my house is taking one for the team. Thankfully, I’ve stuck to my exercise routine through this season but the clutter is calling my name. Maybe I’ll just change my name. 🙂 Ginger, thanks for this timely advice. I’ve added your daughter to my prayer list. Please let me know of any specific requests she might have along the way. Our son spent time in India via YWAM when he was a teenager. Blessings!
I’m so glad your getting a lot of writing done! What are you working on? And super good for you for keeping up with your exercise routine!! Your house still be there when you get to it. Blessings and thanks for your prayers.
Ginger, my husband did missionary work in Australia. I will keep your daughter in my prayers. This post has wonderful advise for us all.
Thank you so much for your prayers, my sweet friend. I loved seeing you in May–such a treat!
Thanks for the reminder that its okay to take a break and refresh ourselves. And that true friends will “revisit” our sites, writings and life once we return more energized and ready to do all that is needed from us for them. God does tell us to rest and we must listen, a burnout helper does not always give their best. Prayers to your daughter and family as everyone adjusts as well. Your blog has given me so much that my book is almost done it is in last edit form….I am taking a rest to refresh my soul before taking on vol 11 next. Blessings to you my friend.
I love hearing from you Cory. You amaze me with your beautiful poetry. 10 books–wow! I am honored and humbled to be a part of your inspiration in the creative/spiritual process. Thanks for praying for my daughter; she is loving her experience so far.