
Back To School and the Faithfulness of God

  Here we are the last of summer days have frittered away and it is time for the BACK TO SCHOOL transition. In my family, there are three different kids and three distinctly different perspectives. College Boy ... is happily ensconced in...

Embrace TruthListening to God

Out of Sync

Some words are just weird. Like some of its strange sisters, the word sync, short for synchronize, is no exception. Relatively new to the English language, originating in the 1930's, sync is one of those words I seem to have a love-hate...

FamilyHomeHumorous and Fun

Kitchen Battles…Reloaded

Don't you just love summertime? I do. I grab hold of the idea of relaxed  summer days and look forward to more time with family and friends. In my rose-colored expectation of lazy summer days, I tend to gloss over the reality that laundry must...

Embrace TruthListening to God

The Lesson of Letting

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful."--Colossians 3:15 The phrase, "Let the peace of Christ rule" is calling my name. Peace sounds especially good after a long, frustrating...

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