Five Not-to-Miss Verses to Pray for Your Kids This Year
More on Praying My Kids Back to School Here in Virginia we are starting our second week of school. One week down and many, many to go. While it is still on my mind, I want to continue to share some great verses for praying our kids back to...
Three Cool Verses for Praying My Kids Back to School
Ready for School It is that time of year when school buses rev their engines and back packs are pulled out of summer-time storage in the bottom of the closet. ( I am hoping no one is getting an early start on a science project growing in the...
Back To School and the Faithfulness of God
Here we are the last of summer days have frittered away and it is time for the BACK TO SCHOOL transition. In my family, there are three different kids and three distinctly different perspectives. College Boy ... is happily ensconced in...
Out of Sync
Some words are just weird. Like some of its strange sisters, the word sync, short for synchronize, is no exception. Relatively new to the English language, originating in the 1930's, sync is one of those words I seem to have a love-hate...
Kitchen Battles…Reloaded
Don't you just love summertime? I do. I grab hold of the idea of relaxed summer days and look forward to more time with family and friends. In my rose-colored expectation of lazy summer days, I tend to gloss over the reality that laundry must...
A Brave New World–My First Writer’s Conference…Continued
After 5 weeks of out of town visitors and traveling, I am finally getting back to blogging. I am still learning how to keep all the balls in the air--I have never been quite coordinated when it comes to juggling. It looks so simple, but the...
The Gap Between Now and Not Yet
We have all been in situations in which things do not look like they are adding up to an answer we are going to like. For instance, when your child discovers a personality conflict with a teacher at the beginning of the year, one plus one does...
The Lesson of Letting
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful."--Colossians 3:15 The phrase, "Let the peace of Christ rule" is calling my name. Peace sounds especially good after a long, frustrating...
Living Faith is an Everything Kind of Thing
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, 'BUT THE...