Two Ways to Exalt Christ This Christmas
During Christmas, we exalt all kinds of things, special people, favorite traditions, gift-giving, decorating, partying… my attention is often centered on creating the Perfect Holiday.There have been times when the doing of Christmas has over-shadowed the reason for the season. On some level, I have often elevated the secular over the sacred. Faced with news that could have been overwelming, Mary chose to trust God with a heart quick to rejoice. When we rejoice and praise God, faith is stirred up as we put our attention on God—His strength, presence, and faithfulness.
God With Us: The Joy of Immanuel
Immanuel, God with us. From beginning to end, Genesis to Revelation, God is invested in relationships. Jesus is the one who is God with Us. Though He was born thousands of years ago, He is still Immanuel through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. God with Us, is so interested in relationship that He invites us to abide in Him. Wonder of wonders.
Four Ways to Love God This Christmas
To love God is our greatest command, and it is the source of our deepest worship. So often I find myself wanting to compartmentalize my responses to God. Like pieces of a pie, I give him my heart—one piece. I get focused on that one piece and can be unwilling, or forget to give him the other pieces…my soul, mind, and might.To give back, without reservation, condition, or expectation, what He has given us is the essence of loving Him with heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Jesus Both Child and Mighty God
Experience the wonder of Christ as both Child and Mighty God in Day 3 of the Christmas Worship Challenge. Reflect on Isaiah’s prophecy, anticipate His glorious return, and be inspired by a powerful flash mob performance of the "Hallelujah Chorus." Even just a little bit of true worship whets my appetite for more. When God shines the light of transforming grace, understanding reaches past the mind and takes root in the heart. This kind of seeing comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. Throughout your day, turn the eyes of your heart toward the approaching glory of the return of Christ. In days long past, they looked forward to the birth of the promised child; today, we look forward to the return of Christ, not as an infant, but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The Glory of Christ
The Christmas Worship Challenge: John 1. The creator became man and walked among us, and the world did not know him, did not recognize him, and did not receive him. Heartbreaking. Oh, the graciousness of our Father that He would make the effort, knowing the outcome.The fullness of grace and truth is complete and a perfect supply. It is the grace and truth demonstrated in and taught by Jesus that explains to us who God is, what His heart for us is, and how much he loves us.
Join the Christmas Worship Challenge
“Worship is God’s idea; in fact, He created us to be people that worship. We are made for His pleasure, and our worship pleases Him very much.” Rick Warren, The Purpose-Driven Life I love Christmas! I look forward to decorating the tree, pulling...
Love of God Unstoppable
What do we miss when we do not press and strain to understand more fully the practical and spiritual realities that embracing God’s love creates? Love is... "Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not...
Life on the Vine: Abide in My Love
How many ways would our lives be different if we lived every moment of every day deeply believing…remembering…enjoying God’s love for us? Just as the Father has loved me, I have also loved you; abide in my love. John 15:9 Incredible. Stop...
Fighting Fear: Winning the War at Home–a guest post by author Edie Melson
FIGHTING FEAR: WINNING THE WAR AT HOME When Your Soldier Leaves for Battle Today, war is a part of life. It touches every family, as more and more have someone they care about serving in the military. Saying goodbye to a loved one...