How to Find Joy: Looking Beyond the Gifts to the Giver
Discover how to find lasting joy this Christmas and every day. Learn the biblical definition of joy, practical ways to embrace it, and how to look beyond the season’s challenges to the true source of joy—God’s presence and grace.
Fullness of Grace Upon Grace: The Divine Multiplier
The gift of grace is given, but our job it to receive it, to reach out and take hold of this treasure so lovingly given. We can only receive by believing. Faith is the energy that empowers our hearts to take hold of grace. Grace of God given in Christ is a gift to be unwrapped and lived in. How often have we left this precious gift unused on the shelf of our self-sufficiency?
How often have we received the fullness of God with mental belief, but denied the power of the gift in the way we choose to go about our day?
Treasuring and Pondering: Mary’s Response to Christ’s Birth
Reflect on Mary’s response to Christ’s birth and discover the power of treasuring, meditating, and pondering God’s Word in your heart. Learn simple ways to meditate on God's Word and turn worship into a deeply personal, transformative experience.
Make it Known: More Lessons from the Christmas Shepherds
Discover the joy of sharing Christ’s story this Christmas, inspired by the shepherds’ response. Let worship ignite your heart and share the wonder with others. "When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told...
Responsive Worship: A Lesson From the Christmas Shepherds
Discover the joy of seeking God with urgency and action, just like the shepherds. Worship through simple, heartfelt responses, and enjoy a fun idea to make Christmas meaningful for kids! Have you ever wondered why giving glory to God feels so...
Give God Glory…Put on Your Dancin’ Shoes!
Have you discovered that when we worship, we are blessed? Join with the Angel army giving God honor and worship. We need to learn to release our tied-up hearts in giving God glory and praise. Ask God to fill you with His Spirit and let it rip! Jump up and down for joy; get your feet moving in a glory-giving “Happy Dance.” Jesus has come. Jesus is here. Jesus is coming again!
Make it a Beautiful Christmas
Many of us really enjoy making our homes welcoming with a festive atmosphere. Is this just an expression of our inner "Martha Stewart," bursting forth this one time of the year? Beauty strikes a chord in us for it can draw our hearts to God, reminding us that beauty beyond description is part of who He is. God did not have to make things beautiful. He could have simply gone for functional--get the job done. We would have never known the difference.
Let Beauty Spark Your Worship Today
Discover how nature reflects God’s glory and draws us into worship. Let beauty open your heart to His presence, sparking awe, delight, and deeper devotion. Worship... Have you noticed that worship cannot be achieved through a...
A God who Speaks
Reflect on Christ's power and majesty in Hebrews 1:1-4. Discover how He upholds all things by His word and deepen your worship with awe and trust today.