Do you struggle to believe God has called you to use your gifts? Finding your purpose and calling can be a challenge. When it comes to calling and spiritual gifts we are often far more concerned with what we think we can’t do , rather than on what God can do. Discovering your spiritual gifts is part of knowing God’s calling for our life and trusting God in the process of ministry is part of a deeper life with God.
Consider these truths to grow in confidence that God has spiritual gifts and a calling for you.
“God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called”–author unknown . Identifying and growing in our spiritual gifts is part of God’s equipping process as we prepare to do the things He has called us to do.
5 Things to Remember About God’s Calling and Spiritual Gifts
1. You have a spiritual gift.
When it comes to calling and gifts we are often far more concerned with what we think we can’t do , rather than on what God can do.
Remember Moses, staring into the hot flames of the burning bush, conversing with God? God calls Moses to be a messenger, and Moses’ gut-level respond is to object, “Who am I?” He continues, “What shall I say to them? What if they don’t believe me?” (Exodus 3).
Next Moses brings up the reason why he can’t do what God has asked–I’m not good at talking to people–I am slow of speech. For every I’m not Moses gave, God responded with an I am–I AM who I am, I am with you.
It is important to remember there is a big difference between a spiritual gift and a talent. Talents are part of our personality, but spiritual gifts are the Holy Spirit at work.
2. When God calls, whether or not we have a gift is not the issue.
The Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say” (Exodus 4:11-12).
There is a powerful lesson for all of us contained in what some only consider a children’s story. What a struggle it is for me to get this past my head and into my heart. When it comes to our calling and gifts, it is easy to focus on why we can’t rather than on how God can. We forget that He has promised to provide for us in the process.
3. Don’t give in to fear when it comes to spiritual gifts and calling.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, especially when it comes to using our gifts. Yet so often, some form of fear or discouragement can derail our desire to boldly answer God’s call. “For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline” (2 Timothy 1:6-7 NASB).
1 Timothy 1:7 speaks to this timidity we can slam into when it comes to using our gifts. Every gift is from God—it is His and He takes pleasure in seeing His gifts come alive in the unique personality of every one of His children. Believing this truth releases us to us our spiritual gifts with joy and wisdom. Since every gift is God working through us, we need to boldly follow His leading.
4. Use your spiritual gifts.
It is so easy to get twisted around when it comes to serving God with our gifts. Easy to loose perspective that we are part of a whole. Somehow we get disconnected from the body with all its variety.
Our attention pulls inward as we compare our ability, evaluate our performance, measure our opportunities. Vision veers off-center from releasing our gift to the glory of God, and we find ourselves holding back.
5. It’s all about Him.
I have had many conversations with God about this over the last few years. One conversation made it into the worn pages of my journal–words stretched tight over timidity and discouragement.
Child, remember this.
I call you and it is not because of what you have done or what you can do. Neither will it be inhibited by what you can’t do.
Each gift comes with My purpose and grace.
Know that I will show you what, when, where, how. You don’t have to make it happen all on your own. Dance in your gift through a partnership of faith, for it is…
My gift.
My calling.
My purpose.
My grace.
The responsibility is on Me.
Your job is to learn and obey,
Love and listen,
Wait and follow,
Release and rejoice.
Day by day and step by step follow me.
Follow me in your prayer, in your needs, in your plans and desires.
Follow me when I lead through others and when I lead through opportunities.
Follow me when I change your direction or broaden your focus.
If your eyes are on me, you don’t have to figure out what is next.
Use your gifts—discover and share.
Enjoy the process!
Let joy overcome fear because I am with you.
Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Has someone encouraged you to use your gifts?
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I am currently the Programs Chairperson for PWOC at Carlisle Barracks Chapel in Carlisle, PA. I would like to talk with you about the possibility of you coming to address our ladies. Please contact me at the above email with the best way to contact you further.
Thank you,
Anne Stewart
I will look forward to being in touch with you. Thanks for asking!
Very informative
I DO like what I’ve seen and read through this site and the various listings!
So glad you came for a visit! I love hearing that folks enjoy this blog:)
Thank you for the insight you shared here. It bore witness- brought relief in me. We don’t have to fit in someone else’s mold- I know it, but peer pressure is awful- especially in the church. It’s amatter I’m having to deal with in my own identity. Sometimes it surprises me- not expecting certain behaviors in church leadership. Eek!
I’m glad you have found encouragement in these words. Peer pressure in the church can be a sticky and difficult situation. May God give you wisdom and grace in the challenges you are navigating right now. Thanks for sharing your heart today.
Yes, that can be a sticky area. It’s easy for flesh patterns to creep into service for God. When we are free in the Spirit, we can serve free from peer pressure, even the kind that can subtly creep into the church.
I really like the information you have shared. It has been very helpful to me.
Hi Ella,
So glad this has been helpful for you! Blessings!
Thank you so much.The journey to discovering what, where and how as it pertains to God’s purpose over my life has been quiet challenging.What you shared is so relevant and has helped steer in the right direction.
Hi there,
I’m so glad this post has been helpful. Discerning God’s calling can be challenging. We often think of it as once and done, but I’ve found calling shifts and changes slightly with different seasons of life.
I stumbled on this post while trying to clarify my understanding of the difference between a calling and a gift. By the Grace of God our Father through Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord, I have got more knowledge and information than what I was initially looking for. Wishing you and your entire family God’s continued blessings, guidance and protection as you continue to serve Him and His children.
I’m so glad this post was helpful for you. May God bless you with a deeper understanding of calling and gifts as you follow His leading in your life!
I recently went through a divorce, have been going through the healing process, started to doubt about my calling and giftedness, I asked God can you still use me, stumbled across your post, 5 things to remember, it just encouraged me so much, THANK YOU
Hi Edward,
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your story. I’m glad you are attending to your healing process in your divorce. In the midst of struggles and transitions, it is easy to doubt our purpose in some way. I’m deeply glad this post encouraged you, reminding you of the truth that God is working in your life and will also work through your life. Often times, it is our greatest struggles that become our deepest ministry when we allow God to bring growth and healing to our wounds. Blessings to you as you rediscover God’s calling in this new season of life.