Days at Summer's End

Enjoy the summer moments–the memories, the laughter,

and the sun that drenches our days with light and grace.

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Memories gather like sea shells on the beach.

Golden moments with family and friends.

Summer jumps with joy of toes in the sand and waves on the beach.


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Families gather and friends join in the circle of love.

We reach arms wide to draw hearts close.

Family Beach TripSisters share hearts IMG_5153

Summer holds special moments for sisters.

And cousins play as the generations reach forward through time.

The youngest and the oldest, from one generation to another, love grows in summer moments.


Summer leaps with love from one day to the next,

from one generation to the next.

Stories are told in the circle of shared history.

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Summer says goodbyes in airports

as children spread their wings with new adventures.

Summers moments with kids become rare treasures we hold close to our hearts.



Summer travels far and wide and brave

to new experiences that shape lives and forge futures.

Summer grows as children become adults and love covers the miles of independence.


Summer frolics like dogs

free to swim in the warm water of community

and friends gather for summer suppers.

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Summer dances through days all too quickly.

Flowers grow and saturate our moments with the visions of joy.


Summer glows with the gentle light of sunsets

and we collect the sky in our hearts

like reflections on the water of our souls.

edited waterThese are the days of summer’s end.

We count blessings, appreciate moments, and gather love

as we look forward to the changing seasons.


Summer’s end holds those last moments before the transitions of life open new seasons.

Children in new shoes and bright backpacks head back to school.

Parents open hands and hearts when kids leave home as college days call.

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Somehow in all the shimmering moments of summer children have grown.

They are taller inside and out

with legs longer and hearts wiser.

They are ready.

Ready to fly.

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And the days of summer’s end are treasures to be kept long

in a circle of life, family, and love

until the days of next summer dawn afresh next year.

[tweetthis]Days of summer’s end are treasures to be kept until the days of next summer dawn afresh next year.[/tweetthis]

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