Discover how Lori Schumaker found hope and peace through surrendering to God’s plan in her story of adoption, faith, and special needs parenting. Learn actionable steps to cultivate habits of hope and trust, even during life’s toughest challenges. Don’t miss the book giveaway at the end of this post. Read or listen to Lori’s story of hope.

Life often takes us on unexpected paths, filled with challenges, grief, and moments of uncertainty. But as Lori Schumaker discovered, it’s in these very moments that hope and faith can shine the brightest. Lori’s story of adoption, special needs parenting, and deep trust in God’s plan is a testament to the transformative power of hope—especially when life feels overwhelming.


With over two decades of ministry experience, a background in education, and certifications in life and mental health coaching, Lori’s journey didn’t just inspire her blog Unveiling Hope—it also provided lessons in faith that resonate with people facing their own difficult seasons.


Through her story, Lori reveals that hope is more than just an emotional response; it’s an actionable habit built on surrendering our desires to God’s will. In her book, she shares, “Sometimes hope is scary. Hoping for the impossible feels a lot like letting go. It’s giving your heart a chance to hurt again. But it’s also giving your faith a chance to point to a God who is bigger than your mountains.”


In this article, we’ll explore the key insights and lessons Lori has learned through her journey, highlighting the power of hope, the necessity of surrender, and the habits we can cultivate to strengthen our faith during difficult times.

The Unexpected Path to Special Needs Parenting


Lori’s adoption journey was not without its heartaches. After being convinced that a particular little girl—Selah—was meant to be their daughter, Lori and her family faced devastating news. The child they had fallen in love with had been adopted by another family.


Lori likened this heartbreak to the grief of a miscarriage: “She may not have been growing in my belly. She may have been across the world, but I loved her as a mother.”


Black text on white background with Psalm 30:5.For months, Lori wrestled with God, questioning why this was happening. She had felt such a strong conviction from the Holy Spirit that this child was meant to be theirs. And then, in a miraculous turn of events, Lori learned that Selah had not, in fact, been adopted by another family. In what Lori describes as an act of divine intervention, they were able to adopt her daughter just before her file would have been labeled “unadoptable”.


Selah’s file initially stated that her special needs were limited to a speech delay and flat feet. These conditions seemed manageable, especially given Lori’s education experience.


What Lori didn’t anticipate, however, was that Selah had extensive special needs—something she initially didn’t feel equipped to handle. “I didn’t think I was prepared to be a special needs mom,” Lori reflects. “God had much different plans.” This realization eventually brought Lori to surrender her vision of what motherhood would look like and trust God’s plan for her daughter.



Embracing the Habit of Hope: A Foundation in Faith


One of the most profound lessons Lori shares is the idea that hope is not passive—it’s a habit we cultivate intentionally. For Lori, hope wasn’t just about feeling better during difficult moments. It was about consistently looking to God for strength, guidance, and peace, even when life seemed to be falling apart.


One of the Scriptures that provided Lori with strength during her adoption process was Psalm 30:5: “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” Lori explains how this verse became a beacon of hope during what felt like a long, dark night in her life. “The night does seem darker; it feels more hopeless. But when the sun rises in the morning, there’s hope. God used this verse to give me courage and hope.”


Lori’s experience reminds us that hope is a daily practice of trusting that the morning will come, even in the darkest of seasons.


The Power of Surrender: Letting Go to Find Peace


sofa in background of a quote from Ginger Harrington in Lori Schumaker's story of adoption and special-needs parenting.A recurring theme in Lori’s journey is the concept of surrender—letting go of her personal desires and trusting that God’s plan, although different, is better. For Lori, this process of surrender was essential in finding peace amid the chaos and uncertainty of adoption and special needs parenting.


“When I finally surrendered and laid down my vision, my dream, that this was supposed to be our daughter, that’s when the miracles started unfolding,” Lori says. This surrender didn’t come easily. It involved releasing her expectations of what freedom, healing, and a typical life would look like for her daughter.


Surrendering to God’s will is something many of us struggle with, especially when our plans seem so clear in our own minds. But as Lori’s story shows, it’s in surrender that we allow room for God to work. By letting go, we free ourselves from the burden of trying to control everything and make room for the unexpected gifts and blessings of God.


Habits of Hope: Practical Steps to Cultivate Faith

Lori’s journey has given her more than just an inspiring story—it’s equipped her with practical habits of hope we can all apply. Here are some of the key habits she developed to maintain hope, even during great difficulty:

  1. Stay in the Word: Lori emphasizes the importance of reading and reflecting on Scripture. Even when God feels distant, staying in the Word reminds us of His promises. Scriptures like Romans 8:28 (“All things work together for the good of those who love God…”) provide comfort and reassurance that God’s plan is always at work.
  2.  Keep Praying: Prayer is not just a formality; it’s a way of partnering with God. Lori’s relationship with God was built through consistent prayer, even during seasons of grief and doubt. “If I want to hear from Him, I have to go to Him,” she explains. 
  3. Cultivate Gratitude: Believe in the power of gratitude to shift our perspective. By intentionally focusing on the good, no matter how small, we can create more room for hope in our hearts. Lori encourages others to develop a habit of thanking God for small blessings, whether it’s a kind word, a blooming flower, or an unexpected moment of joy.
  4. Seek Community: No one should go through life’s challenges alone. Lori found strength in her faith community and encourages others to do the same. Whether it’s through church, small groups, or trusted friends, having people to walk with you can provide much-needed support.
  5. Persevere Through the Dark Nights: One of the biggest lessons Lori learned was the importance of perseverance. There will be dark nights when hope feels distant, but it’s important to keep moving forward, trusting that God’s joy will come in the morning.
  6. Stay Faithful in the Small Things: Keep showing up for God, even when you feel abandoned. Lori finds strength through consistent faith practices, trusting that God is working behind the scenes.


Lori Schumaker’s story shares a powerful reminder that hope is more than just a feeling—it’s a habit we can cultivate, even in life’s most challenging moments. Sometimes God brings us to a situation where there’s a wall in front of us, and the only way through, the only doorway, is trust and surrender.


Through Lori’s hope story of adoption, special needs parenting, and surrender, we see the beauty of trusting God through every season. Her journey inspires us to develop habits of hope and surrender, knowing that with God, joy truly does come in the morning.


What areas of your life are you trying to control? How might surrendering them to God open the door to more peace and hope in your life?


Ready to dive deeper into Lori Schumaker’s inspiring journey of faith and hope?

Tune in to the full podcast episode where Lori shares her heart, lessons learned through adoption, special needs parenting, and the power of surrendering to God’s plan. Enter our book giveaway for a chance to win a copy of Lori’s award-winning book, Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust. Enter the drawing below to win a copy of Lori’s wonderful book!

About Lori Schumaker

Author Lori Schumaker in front of tree background wearing a blue blazer.With a Master’s in Education, Life and Mental Health Coaching certifications, and over two decades of ministry experience, Lori Schumaker guides others toward unveiling their hope, healing their hearts, and moving forward with confidence. She provides a hope toolkit, inspiration, and teaching needed for this journey through her award-winning blog, Unveiling Hope. Lori also writes for various online publications and books, speaks at local and national events and podcasts, and hosts A Day of Hope retreats. Enjoy Lori’s free resources available on her website, as well as encouraging digital products. Connect with Lori on Facebook or Instagram to continue this conversation of hope.




Enter to Win a Copy of One of Lori’s Books!

We love a giveaway around here and we celebrate great books! Lori is sharing a few of her best books for a drawing. Enter the Rafflecopter below to win one of these great resources to inspire more hope in your life!

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