1. You have a gift.
Yes, you! As a believer in Christ, God has given you a spiritual gift. When it comes to calling and gifts we are often far more concerned with what we think we can’t do, rather than with what God can do.
Remember Moses, staring into the hot flames of the burning bush, conversing with God? God calls Moses to be a messenger, and Moses’ gut-level response is to object, “Who am I?” He continues, “What shall I say to them? What if they don’t believe me?”
Next Moses brings up the reason why he can’t do what God has asked–I’m not good at talking to people–I am slow of speech.
For every I’m not Moses gave, God responded with an I am–I AM who I am.
[tweetthis]God is with you, so be brave and use the gifts He has given.[/tweetthis]
2. When God calls, feeling ready is not the issue.
The Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say” (Exodus 4:11-12).
There is a powerful lesson contained in what some only consider a children’s story. What a struggle it is for me to get this past my head and into my heart. We forget that He has promised to provide for us in the process. It is only in stepping forward that we experience God’s equipping grace.
3. Don’t give into fear.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, especially when it comes to using our gifts. Yet so often, some form of fear or discouragement can derail our desire to boldly answer God’s call. When we compare our ability, evaluate our performance, measure our opportunities, we can struggle to believe God will use us right where we are.
The first time I was asked to speak to a group of women, fear rushed in and I wanted to say no. When God called me to take the spiritual leadership of a women’s ministry, I didn’t think I was qualified. I had a fist full of excuses.
In January 2014, Kori Yates approached me about starting a non-profit ministry for military women. I was interested, but the scope of the vision God gave was intimidating.
God has provided choices to serve in every place we’ve lived. Every time, some level of fear made it tempting to hold back. In every call, God gave what was needed and developed my gifts in the process of serving.
If we let fear hold us back, we forfeit the opportunity to grow through using our spiritual gifts.
4. It’s all about God.
I have had many conversations with God about this over the years. One conversation made it into the worn pages of my journal–words stretched tight over frustration and discouragement.
I call you and it is not because of what you have done or what you can do. Neither will it be inhibited by what you can’t do.
Each gift comes with My purpose and grace.
Know that I will show you what, when, where, and how. You don’t have to make it happen all on your own. Dance in your gift through a partnership of faith, for it is…
My gift.
My calling.
My purpose.
My grace.
The responsibility is on Me.
Your job is to learn and obey,
love and listen,
follow and participate,
release and rejoice.
Day by day and step by step follow me.
If your eyes are on me, you don’t have to figure out what is next.
Be encouraged Sisters. God has given you the gifts you need to serve God right where you are.
Use your gifts and enjoy the process!
This post first appears at Planting Roots. Continue reading at Planting Roots.
How has fear effected you when it comes to using your gifts?
Great post. I was afraid to step out and teach. I look for opportunities now. I focused on me and my faults instead of Gods power in and through me. I love being used by my Abba. The rewards are priceless
I still do that. Lately I’ve been in that mental place with writing…I can’t do this…I’ve run out of things to say…blah,blah, blah. I remind myself it all comes from God. My job is to show up and keep showing up. Great to hear from you today!
Your words are incredibly encouraging and inspiring, Ginger! Thanks so much for sharing this! Peace and many blessings to you, Love! 🙂
I’m so glad you are encouraged! I have been spurred on several times reading your wonderful posts. Thank you for visiting today and have a wonderful weekend!
Such perfect timing!!! Cindy Bultema, on her Coffee Chat Periscope, shared Beth Moore’s commissioning statement that speaks right to this so I have heard this twice today. Gotta wonder if God is saying something to me?! I am serving but maybe God is preparing me for a new thing? Fear has held me back for so long, in so many areas, and I am breaking through that chain in God’s power. I am done with fear!!!!!
You go girl! Look out world. I never see you as fearful. To me you are bold and brave, building community in amazing ways. You are far more gifted than you realize, sweet friend!
You really blessed me by sharing these words that I needed to read tonight. Thank you. This is so true- we have all we need in God.
I am always encouraged when God draws my attention to blog content that truly is a word for the moment. I’m honored to be a part of God’s encouragement to you.
Your blog is helpful thank you
Hi Deborah, thank you for sharing your response to this post. I’m so glad is is helpful. May God bless you as you offer your spiritual gifts back to him!