After 5 weeks of out of town visitors and traveling, I am finally getting back to blogging. I am still learning how to keep all the balls in the air–I have never been quite coordinated when it comes to juggling. It looks so simple, but the reality is much harder to achieve!
Here is a continuation of my last post on the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference:
On Tuesday, I met more wonderful people, attended classes on writing Bible studies, finding and working with an agent, discovering various avenues for publication. In and out of some of the classes, I also had appointments with three other folks. I met with an editor from Revell/Baker, and again my project was not a fit for their needs, but I got great feedback on my idea as well as a very encouraging, “Let me take your card, I’d like to stay in touch with you.” I also enjoyed talking with Vonda Skelton. This talented lady writes books, encourages/teaches writers, and trains speakers. I used my appointment time just to ask questions about building a speaking ministry and share what I am doing. This was a particularly fun appointment because there was no pressure, we were just chatting–and it was a great learning opportunity.
Tuesday evening brought the rare treat to see a special viewing of the film, “October Baby.” We all enjoyed hearing the story of how the film came together from producer/writer Cecil Stokes. The film had all the more impact after hearing the journey and personal stories and God-given victories that brought this wonderful film to life. If you haven’t seen it, it is well worth the time to track down an opportunity to see it.

I enjoyed meeting Torry Martin, an actor/writer/comedian. You can look him up here:
Wednesday–I finally felt like I was starting to get the hang of things–more classes and appointments. One editor was “just interested enough” to look at my proposal, and another was very interested. Yes and yes! This seems a little like discovering a golden ticket for Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory–entrance into a great adventure where opportunity is given to several, but only a few will finish. One thing is for sure, I have a whole new appreciation for the expertise and hard work of many that goes into every book that is published!
I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and connect with other folks who share a similar calling and passion.